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OPEN FOR BUSINESS! (with a dose of compassion, support, and understanding)

How intense has 2020 been so far 😬

Someone bring back my mundane, routine, predictable life...(I never thought I'd wish for that).

I promise not to overwhelm you - if you you're anything like me, then your brain is hurting from information overload, worry, and a general feeling of "what the hell just happened to our lives?"

Our practice remains open for 'business as usual' and we have adopted all health recommendations to keep our valued clients safe. I have also completed the Infection Control Training (Covid 19) provided by the Department of Health. However, if you feel more comfortable, we can connect via email, phone or Zoom for all your Naturopathic needs.

For anyone experiencing financial hardship, please contact me directly so we can work out an alternative - I would be quite disappointed if people are putting off their health concerns due to financial hardship - please reach out.

A "Lets Look After You"Special

Health in our Hands would like to offer all our old and new clients 50% off their next Massage/Bodywork treatment with our wonderful therapist, Mark, in April, May or June. It's our little way of welcoming you back and looking after some battered little nervous systems. The offer is for one treatment per person - your choice of Spinopractic, Hawaiian Kahuna, Thai Yoga, Bowen, or Body Bliss...have a chat to Mark or check out his website if you need more information on the different styles he practises.

Call Mark to book: 0409 446 920

On another bright note 😊🤗

HOW...happy are all the cute canines walking the streets

HOW...good does home made damper taste

HOW...wonderful to spend all this extra time with family at home (OK so that last one was pure sarcasm)

DON'T FORGET - 50% off all bodywork (limit one per person) for APRIL, MAY, JUNE. Contact Mark to secure your appointment on 0409 446 920.

Air Hugs



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