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Without getting on my goats milk soapbox, I just wanted to clarify the Health Fund rebate situation as it stands. As of APRIL 1 2019, the Australian government forced all health Funds to stop rebating on many natural therapies (except remedial massage). So Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Yoga, Pilates, Bowen, Reflexology etc all got the flick (something to do with no scientific evidence that what we do works...go figure, I'm reading research articles all the time about nutrients and herbs and their effectiveness and safety, but lets not allow the data and thousands of years of natural medicine practise get in the way).

Anyway, there was uproar from many sectors and so the decision is now being reviewed and we hope to be reinstated by early 2020. However, please note that the following Health Funds will rebate you on a NUTRITION consultation with your NATUROPATH:

  • AHM


  • CBHS

  • HBF

  • NIB


At Health in our Hands our Massage, Counselling and Naturopathic Services are one of the most affordable in the Shire - and you're getting years of experience and expertise.

Our massage rates start from $45 (30min ) through to $80 (60min), with 75 min and 90 min appointments available for those who prefer a longer treatment, esp for THAI YOGA massage and KAHUNA bodywork, where 60 min is often insufficient. The average 60 min massage in the Shire is $90-$100). As we like our clients to attend regularly for the best outcomes re pain, mental health, circulation, injury recovery, headaches, etc, then keeping our rates reasonable means people are able to afford their regular treatments. Remember Health Fund rebates still apply to REMEDIAL MASSAGE.

Our Naturopathic services are also more affordable than most of initial visit at $120 (75 mins) is markedly less than the average fee of $150-$200. Again, I prefer if people don't have to think 'can I afford to see my Naturopath 2-3/year' - however, if you are experiencing financial distress, please always mention this to your practitioner a the time of enquiry. Fingers and toes crossed, the review re-instates us to our rightful place as healthcare providers.

Well that's my rant for the month (I tell a lie, I will probably rant a few more times by July's end, but I won't publish all the others!). I just wanted to be upfront about the government changes to rebates and where our practice sits from the perspective of fee structure.

Until next time, stay warm and dry (unless you're exercising, then hot and sweaty is great).



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